
23. 12. 2014 thenews.com.mx
Bill eliminates Nazi benefits
OSIJEK, Croatia – Former Auschwitz guard Jakob Denzinger lived the U.S. dream. His plastics company in the Rust Belt town of Akron, Ohio, thrived. By the late 1980s, he had acquired the trappings of success: a Cadillac DeVille and a Lincoln Town Car, a lakefront home, investments in oil and real estate. more...

03. 12. 2014 vg.no
Forskere: – Norske frontkjempere deltok i folkemord
Frontkjemperne var delaktige i avdelinger som begikk rene massakrer på jøder, fastslår norske forskere. Men å tilby dusør for å innhente beviser er de skeptiske til. more...

03. 12. 2014 vg.no
Oppretter hotline for nazi-tips ... og slik utbetales dusøren på over 200.000
Nå avslører nazijeger Efraim Zuroff telefonnummeret du må ringe, hvis du sitter inne med verdifull informasjon om nazikrigsforbrytere. more...

02. 12. 2014 klassekampen.no
Nazijeger utlover dusør for norske nazi-opplysninger
Oslo (NTB): Simon Wiesenthal-senteret utlover over 200.000 kroner for opplysninger om nordmenn som begikk krigsforbrytelser på tysk side under andre verdenskrig. more...

02. 12. 2014 vg.no
Nazijeger vil finne Norges skjulte krigsforbrytere
Verdens fremste nazijeger, Dr. Efraim Zuroff (66), mener tiden er inne for å trekke de siste norske nazikrigsforbryterne for retten. more...

28. 11. 2014 nielsbirgerdanielsen.dk
Nazijæger går ind i sag om dansk SS-vagt
Efraim Zuroff, leder af Simon Wiesenthal-centrets kontor i Jerusalem, har nu lagt sin internationale prestige bag et forsøg på at få de danske myndigheder til at undersøge sagen om den tidligere Frikorps Danmark-soldat Helmuth Leif Rasmussen, der i 1942-43 var med i SS-vagtstyrken i en jødelejr ved Bobruisk i Hviderusland. more...

27. 11. 2014 bt.dk
Dansk SS-vagt meldes til politiet
Simon Wlesenthal-centret vil anmelde dansk Frikorps Danmark-soldat, der var SS-vagt i en Jodelejr i Hviderusland i 1942/43. more...

23. 11. 2014 abcnyheter.no
Ukraina mot nazi-resolusjon i FN, Norge avholdende
Bare tre land stemte fredag mot FN-resolusjonen mot nazisme. Ukraina, som nylig utnevnte en politisjef som anses å være nær den fryktede ideologien, var et av dem. more...

19. 11. 2014 jpost.com
Ukrainian Jews seek to rehabilitate Holocaust era priest
Metropolitan Andrei Sheptytsky, the leader of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church during the second world war, has been painted as both a supporter of Nazism and a rescuer of Jews. more...

30. 10. 2014 en.ria.ru
Whitewashing Nazis in Eastern Europe Equate Nazism to Communism: Expert
MOSCOW, October 30 (RIA Novosti) - Eastern Europeans, who attempt to whitewash Nazi war crimes, try to liken Nazism to communism to create an illusion that the Soviet Union is as responsible for what happened during World War II as the Third Reich, Ephraim Zuroff, director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, warned in a discussion hosted by Radio VR’s moderator Dmitry Babich. more...

29. 10. 2014 timesofisrael.com
While Jewish DPs languished, Nazi criminals given refuge by US
Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist Eric Lichtblau’s ‘The Nazis Next Door’ explores how America became a safe haven for Nazis through CIA recruitment. more...

26. 10. 2014 jpost.com
Holocaust perpetrators on the dole in the US?
There are two additional very important points which were totally overlooked by the media in its coverage of this issue. more...

27. 10. 2014 sun-sentinel.com
Film defends Holocaust history

More than 100 people recently crowded Temple Anshei Shalom in Delray Beach to view local filmmaker Beach Richard Bloom's latest documentary, "Defending Holocaust History." more...

27. 10. 2014 timesofisrael.com
‘At least 1,000′ Nazis worked for US as spies, author says

American agencies not only employed them, but also sometimes covered up their war crimes for decades, according to new book. more...

24. 10. 2014 wvva.com
Lawmakers seek to end benefits to former Nazis

WASHINGTON (AP) - Legislation to stop suspected Nazi war criminals from receiving U.S. Social Security benefits will be introduced soon, the latest response to an Associated Press investigation that revealed millions of dollars have been paid to former Nazis who were forced out of the United States. more...

22. 10. 2014 en.ria.ru
US Paid Banished Nazis Millions in Social Security to Save on Avoided Expenditures: Expert

Dr. Efraim Zuroff, the Director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Israel, spoke with Radio VR about the recent AP report claiming dozens of Nazi criminals have received millions of dollars in US social security payments after being expelled out of the country, with the US government reasoning that this was the beat way to save money instead of carrying out costly deportation procedures. more...

21. 10. 2014 m.b.dk
Krav om retsfølgelse af danske SS-soldater

Simon Wiesenthal Centret sender brev til justitsminister Mette Frederiken med krav om dansk reaktion på nye oplysninger om danske SS-folks deltagelse i holocaust. more...

21. 10. 2014 haaretz.com
Wiesenthal Institute director defends U.S.’ deals with Nazi war criminals

Dr. Efraim Zuroff says expulsion from United States was better than no punishment at all, but admits the compromise was flawed. more...

20. 10. 2014 bt.dk
Af Louise Haack, Niels-Birger Danielsen

Helmuth Leif Rasmussen har i over 60 år levet under et andet navn på Frederiksberg. Af god grund. more...

20. 10. 2014 1tv.ru
Скандал в Америке — бюджетные миллионы платили военным преступникам

Американские власти долгие годы платили нацистским преступникам и охранникам концлагерей. Таков шокирующий вывод расследования, проведённого журналистами агентства "Ассошиэйтед Пресс". Военные преступники получали деньги за согласие покинуть территорию Соединённых Штатов. Некоторые из них и сегодня спокойно живут в Европе. more...

20. 10. 2014 i24news.tv
Report: Nazis received pension for life from the US

Nazis who immigrated to the US after WWII were 'bribed' with Social Security benefits to leave the country. more...

20.10.2014 israelhayom.co.il
פנייה לדנמרק: להביא לדין רוצחי יהודים בשואה

ד"ר אפרים זורוף, דורש ששלטונות דנמרק יחקרו מידע החושף כי מאות דנים היו מעורבים ברצח יהודים בשואה

20. 10. 2014 politiken.dk
Nazi-jæger: Danske krigsforbrydere fra frikorpset bør straffes

Justitsministeren opfordres til at sikre, at Frikorps Danmarks krigsforbrydelser efterforskes. more...

20. 10. 2014 washingtonpost.com
Expelled Nazis paid millions in Social Security

This July 28, 2014, photo shows Jakob Denzinger's portrait on the tombstone of his empty grave in Cepin eastern Croatia. Denzinger is among dozens of death camp guards and suspected Nazi war criminals who collected millions of dollars in Social Security payments despite being forced out of the United States according to an Associated Press investigation. more...

20.10.2014 nrg.co.il
ארה"ב שילמה לנאצים כדי שיעזבו את המדינה
תמונת מצב

תחקיר של סוכנות הידיעותAP מגלה כי נאצים שהודו בפשעי מלחמה גורשו מארה"ב בתמורה לכך שימשיכו לקבל תשלום מהביטוח הלאומי.

20.10.2014 haaretz.co.il
ארה"ב שילמה מיליונים לעשרות נאצים כדי שיעזבו את שטחה
תמונת מצב

תחקיר אי־פי העלה כי העסקאות שנחתמו נועדו לחסוך הליכים משפטיים ארוכים נגד הנאצים וכי הכספים הועברו לפושעים שנים אחרי שעזבו.

15. 10. 2014 dr.dk
Danish Nazis responsible for many deaths

Danish Nazis were not innocent bystanders when persecution of the Jews was at its height during the Second World War. more...

09. 10. 2014 cooperativa.cl
La hija en Chile del Doctor Muerte, el nazi más buscado del mundo

Durante el año 2006 Waltraut Böser, una mujer en el sur de Chile, huía de la prensa. more...

22. 09. 2014 op-talk.blogs.nytimes.com
Should We Continue to Prosecute Nazi War Criminals?

The recent conviction of a 93-year-old Auschwitz guard reignited a debate about prosecuting the remaining few Nazi war criminals. Most observers call for a no-holds-barred hunt for the Holocaust perpetrators who have evaded justice for decades, but others point to their old age, legal issues and difficulty in proving the crimes, arguing that after nearly 80 years, the pursuit should come to a conclusion. more..

15. 09. 2014 thelocal.dk
Danish Nazis killed 1,400 Jews in WWII: new book

The authors of a new book say that their research shows that Danes actively particpitate in the slaughter of hundreds of Jews in Belarus, and there are now calls to investigate the surviving Danish Nazis. more..

15. 09. 2014 bangordailynews.com
‘At least a measure of justice’: A life spent hunting Nazis — who show no remorse

The passage of time in no way diminishes the guilt of the killers, and old age should not afford protection to those who committed such heinous crimes. Every victim of the Nazis deserves that an effort be made to bring to justice those who turned innocent men, women and children into victims. more..

02. 09. 2014 newsweek.mx
Efraim Zuroff: el último cazanazis

En un mundo perfecto, Efraim Zuroff (nacido en 1948) hubiera preferido ser jugador de la NBA. El baloncesto lo apasionaba mientras crecía en Brooklyn, Nueva York, suficientemente lejos de los alemanes, el horror y ese capítulo negro, lamentable e imposible de olvidar, que se resume en una palabra brutal: Holocausto. more..

29. 07. 2014 ici.radio-canada.ca
Chasse aux nazis : l'attitude du Canada dénoncée

Plusieurs organisations juives considèrent qu'Ottawa ne fait pas suffisamment d'efforts pour chasser les criminels de guerre nazis, même si ces derniers risquent au Canada l'expulsion et la perte de la citoyenneté. more..

17. 07. 2014 latimes.com
U.N. archives on Nazi war criminals open to public at Holocaust museum

After the end of World War II, investigations into former Nazis and other war criminals were detailed in hundreds of thousands of records that were unavailable to the public for about 70 years — files that finally became accessible this week at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington. more..

29. 06. 2014 sur.infonews.com
El exilio sudamericano de las SS

Anticipo del libro Las intrigas de los hermanos Sassen, del holandés Jochen Botman. Wim y Alfons Sassen, dos espías expertos en contrainformación del ejército nazi, lograron esconderse en nuestro país y Chile a mediados del siglo pasado. Desde el Cono Sur, los hermanos holandeses tejieron vínculos con la CIA, el Mossad y el servicio secreto alemán. more...

28. 06. 2014 chicagotribune.com
The last living Nazis

Johann Breyer appeared in a Philadelphia courtroom recently to face accusations that he assisted in the murder of thousands of Jews as a guard at the Nazi concentration camp at Auschwitz. more...

26. 06. 2014 >CHOSUNILBO


24. 06. 2014 i24news.tv
Age, ill health does not diminish Nazis' guilt

The arrest last week in the United States of Auschwitz guard Johann Breyer has once again focused public attention on the final efforts to bring Nazi war criminals to justice. more...

21. 06. 2014 dailymail.co.uk
Revealed: Great-grandfather living in a Lancashire cul-de-sac is a Nazi from notorious SS unit that massacred hundreds in Holocaust

A great-grandfather living in a quiet Lancashire street has been named as a former soldier in a notorious Nazi SS-led unit responsible for the massacre of hundreds of Jewish and Polish civilians in the Second World War. more..

22. 05. 2014 theguardian.com
Campaigners hope pope's visit to Israel will see Vatican Holocaust files released

As Pius XII's canonisation is considered, Nazi hunters want to see files on alleged links between Vatican and war criminals . more..

18. 05. 2014 unpedazocincosiete.blogspot.co.il
Justicia, no venganza

Con este título el pasado martes 13 de mayo, se llevó a cabo una interesante conferencia en el Salón Mural de nuestra Institución, organizada conjuntamente entre el Centro Deportivo Israelita, el Consejo Sionista de México, la Kehilá Ashkenazí y la Asociación Educativa contra el Prejuicio y la Discriminación, con la presencia de dos importantes personalidades dedicadas a la historia de la Shoá y a la investigación de criminales de guerra nazis, los doctores Michael Berenbaum y Efraim Zuroff, ambos rabinos que han dedicado su vida a este episodio histórico. more..

11. 05. 2014 northjersey.com
'Last Nazi Hunter' Zuroff made impression on Wanaque audience

A crowd of approximately 100 people gathered at the Wanaque Golden Agers Club on Wednesday, May 7 to hear Dr. Efraim Zuroff speak as "The Last Nazi Hunter." more..

05. 05. 2014 baomoi.com
Những chuyên gia săn lùng tội phạm Đức quốc xã

(Kienthuc.net.vn) - Sau khi Đức quốc xã bị đánh bại, nhiều chuyên gia đã săn lùng, truy bắt một số trùm phát xít, nhân vật máu mặt từng làm việc dưới trướng Hitler. more..

02. 05. 2014 b92.net
"Political will present to work with Wiesenthal Center"

BELGRADE -- Serbia has the political will to cooperate with the Simon Wiesenthal Center, which searches for WW2-era war criminals, Efraim Zuroff has told B92. more..

28. 04. 2014 jta.org
Report lauds Germany, U.S. for Nazi-hunting efforts

BERLIN (JTA) — Germany and the United States earned praise for their Nazi-hunting efforts from the Simon Wiesenthal Center. more..

27. 04. 2014 news.com.au
Germany, US praised for efforts to hunt down Nazi war criminals

THE Israel branch of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre has given Germany and the United States top marks in its annual report on efforts to hunt down Nazi war criminals. more..

20. 04. 2014 express.co.uk
Jews urged to flee Ukraine by Holocaust survivor

ALL Jewish people should leave Ukraine at once, a Holocaust survivor warned last night, after “grotesque” anti-Semitic leaflets were handed out in the country. more..

19. 04. 2014 ibtimes.co.uk
Ukraine Leaflets Calling for Jewish Registration 'Were Faked'

Doubts are emerging about the authenticity of anti-semitic leaflets that were distributed at a synagogue in Ukraine, claiming to be from pro-Russian separatists. more..

18. 04. 2014 jpost.com
Jews cast doubt on origin of anti-Semitic flyers in Donetsk

The leaflets were handed out by several Balaclava clad men carrying a Russian flag. more..

March 2014 בשביל הזכרון Be-Shvil Ha-Zikaron [Yad Vashem]
לכידת פושעים נאצים והעמדתם לדין
תמונת מצב

שמעון ויזנטל לא היה היחיד שהקדיש שנים רבות למאמצים לאתר ולהעמיד לדין פושעים נאצים, אך נדמה שיותר מכל אדם אחר הוא נהפך בעולם המערבי לסמל המאבק להבאתם לדין של מי שביצעו את פשעי השואה.

27. 03. 2014 jwire.com.au
Love/Hate Relationship

The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs in conjunction with the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, has organised a forum entitled “Europe and Israel – A New Paradigm.” J-Wire’s Michael Kuttner attended… more..

25. 03. 2014 thenewamerican.com
The Holocaust: Denying the Deniers

On a recent tour of the forward areas in First and Third Armies, I stopped momentarily at the salt mines to take a look at the German treasure. There is a lot of it. more..

21. 03. 2014 maraah-magazine.co.il
פעמוני אזהרה

שכתוב ההיסטוריה של שואת היהודים במזרח אירופה  מתנהל מתחת לרדאר, ידוע עליו מעט, מדברים עליו עוד פחות, ומעל לכל – אינו זוכה לתגובה הולמת, לא אצלנו ולא בעולם.

18. 03. 2014 jpost.com
Baltic marches to a dangerous drum

Ultra-nationalists pitch a dangerous revision of the accepted narrative of World War II and the Holocaustp. more..

11. 03. 2014 huffingtonpost.co.uk
A Wake-up Call to Lithuania and Brussels to the Growth of Fascist Ideology and Anti-Semitism

This morning I woke up to a brilliantly sunny day here in Vilnius, Lithuania, and for the first time I can remember, I cursed the good weather. more...

27. 01. 2014 blogs.timesofisrael.com‏‏
An Israeli agenda for Holocaust Remembrance Day

Almost a decade has passed since the historic decision by the United Nations in 2005 to designate January 27, the day of the liberation by the Soviet Red Army of the infamous Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp as International Holocaust Remembrance Day. more...

21. 01. 2014 israelnationalnews.com
Norwegian Collaborators Persecuted Jews in Holocaust

Manfred Gerstenfeld interviews Eirik Veum of the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation, who wrote "The Fallen" about Norwegians in SS and other Nazi units. For International Holocaust Remembrance Day more...

13. 01. 2014 thelocal.no
Book lists 16,000 Nazi collaborator suspects

A maverick Norwegian publisher has launched a new book containing the full list of the 16,000 Norwegians suspected of collaborating with the country's Nazi occupiers during the Second World War. more...

13. 01. 2014 newsinenglish.no
World War II treason suspects named

The names of more than 16,000 Norwegians suspected of treason during the Second World War have been published in a controversial book. While the publishers have removed some contentious names, the book has sparked debate over the ethics of naming suspects who were never actually convicted of crimes. more...

13. 01. 2014 pbs.org
There Should Be No Statute of Limitations on Prosecuting War Crimes

In 1944, the Nazis slaughtered the 642 residents of Oradour-sur-Glane in France. Now the trial of an accused perpetrator has prompted the tired and specious argument that it’s time to forget the past more...

10. 01. 2014 nytimes.com
Why Nazi Hunting Remains Crucial

Sooner or later, time will run out in the pursuit of Nazi-era war criminals as they are overtaken by death after decades of undeserved freedom more...

09. 01. 2014 qary.net
Meet the Top Nazi Hunter

Efraim Zuroff stands beside a poster showing Nazi war crimes as he attends a protest against the annual procession commemorating Latvian Waffen SS unit, also known as the Legionnaires, in Riga, on March 16, 2012 more...


30.12.2013 defendinghistory.com
Efraim Zuroff Interviewed in Belgrade, Serbia by Aleksandar Roknić

Efraim Zuroff: World War II History is Being Rewritten Even if I were Superman I wouldn’t be able to bring to justice all remaining Nazis. Of course not. It is impossible. Nobody can do it. But if you ask me what is better — a bit of justice or injustice, I would always say — a bit of justice. You know, to me it is clear that even when the last Nazi dies, a battle is not over, because it begins over and over again. more...

29.12.2013 liberta.it
Criminali nazisti a Piacenza: in arrivo tre dossier

Sono tra noi, probabilmente sotto falso nome, probabilmente nell’ultimissimo spicchio della loro vita, ma ci sono ancora. more...

25.12.2013 Danas [Serbia]
Lov na naciste pocmje i u Srbiji

Beograd -Lovac na naciste i direktor centra „Simon Vizental" Efraim Zurof, koji je u poseti Beogradu, najavio je juće da će operacija „Poslednjaprilika", u cilju pronalaženja nacističkih ratnih zločinaca, biti pokrenuta i u Srbiji. On je istakao da će biti ponuđena nagrada za informacije koje će pomoći da se zločinci lociraju u naredna tri meseca. more...

24. 12. 2013 inserbia.info
Nazi-hunt to be launched in Serbia too – Director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center

BELGRADE – Efraim Zuroff, a Nazi-hunter and director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center (SWC), announced on Tuesday that the operation dubbed “Last Chance” aimed at bringing Nazi war criminals to justice will also be carried out in Serbia soon. more...

December. 2013 latinamericanhistory.about.com
Why did Argentina Accept Nazi War Criminals After World War Two?

After World War Two, thousands of Nazis and wartime collaborators from France, Croatia, Belgium and other parts of Europe were looking for a new home: preferably as far away from the Nuremberg Trials as possible. more...

07. 12. 2013 multiculturalsocietyonline.wordpress.com
Norvegia: i collaboratori dei nazisti
Manfred Gerstenfeld intervista Eirik Veum

Eirik Veum è un giornalista norvegese, collabora a “Norvegian Broadcasting Corporation, NRK”. more...

20. 11. 2013 vg.no
Vil starte ny nazijakt i Norge

Men dette er en kamp mot klokken. Tiden er i ferd med å renne ut for oss, sier Efraim Zuroff som er direktør ved det kjente Simon Wiesenthal-senteret i Jerusalem til VG. more...

20. 11. 2013 thelocal.no
Nazi hunter to probe Norway for war crimes

The world's leading Nazi hunter is planning to come to Norway for up to three months to investigate Norwegians who may have committed war crimes as part of the Waffen SS's Wiking division. more...

15. 11. 2013 nrk.no
Nazi-jeger vil jakte på krigsforbrytarar i Noreg

Simon Wiesenthal-senteret i Jerusalem vil etterforske attlevande nordmenn som stod bak krigsbrotsverk mot jødar under andre verdskrigen. more...

06. 11. 2013 thelocal.no
Norwegian camp guards shocked SS with brutality

Norwegian guards working at Nazi prison camps in northern Norway were so brutal to prisoners that it shocked even the German SS soldiers supervising them, a new book on Norway's Hird organization has revealed.

27. 10. 2013 lmneuquen.com.ar
Destacan negativa a enterrar a Priebke

Buenos Aires > El “caza nazis” y director del Centro Wiesenthal en Israel, Efraim Zuroff, dice que Argentina tomó la decisión correcta y que “marca claramente la diferencia entre el país de hoy y el del gobierno de Juan Perón, que les ofreció un cielo a muchos nazis”.

18. 10. 2013 freemalaysiatoday.com
Italy at a loss over dead Nazi war criminal

ROME: Italian authorities appeared at a loss yesterday on what to do with the body of Nazi war criminal Erich Priebke who died last week while living under house arrest for massacring 335 civilians.

17. 10. 2013 entornointeligente.com
BRASIL: Sem sepultura

Jornal do Brasil / Desde a semana passada a Itália é agitada por uma discussão inusitada: a recusa de dar sepultura em território italiano a Erich Priebke, ex−oficial nazista e capitão das SS.

17. 10. 2013 20minutes.fr
Les dépouilles des nazis, ces encombrants fardeaux

MONDE – Que sont devenues les dépouilles des anciens nazis et comment éviter que leur tombe, s’ils en ont une, attirent leurs sympathisants? «20 Minutes» s’est penché sur la question au moment où, en Italie, les restes de l’ancien dignitaire nazi Enrich Priebke attendent de connaître leur sort...

15. 10. 2013 worldnews.nbcnews.com
Dead SS captain should be cremated to 'share the fate of millions of Nazi victims'

A leading Nazi-hunter at a Jewish rights group said on Tuesday that the body of an ex-SS captain at the center of a diplomatic wrangle should be cremated.

15. 10. 2013 news.walla.co.il
רומא לא תקבור את הפושע הנאצי; בנו: שייקבר בישראל

איטליה וארגנטינה מסרבות לקבור את אריך פריבקה, שמת בסוף השבוע בגיל 100. בנו: לא הוגן להיטפל לאבי בגין מעשים שקרו לפני 60 שנה. אפרים זורוף: לשרוף את גופתו בגרמניה

15. 10. 2013 timesofisrael.com
SS officer’s son: Bury my father in Israel

Jorge Priebke goes on anti-Semitic rant over failure to find a resting place for father Erich, who oversaw a massacre.

14. 10. 2013 ibtimes.co.uk
Nazi War Criminal Erich Priebke's Son Sparks Outrage over Israel Burial Rant

The son of late Nazi war criminal Erich Priebke has sparked moral outrage by suggesting his father should be buried in Israel, after a number of authorities around the world refused funeral rites for his corpse.

14. 10. 2013 welt.de
Streit um Beisetzung von NS-Kriegsverbrecher Priebke

Nach dem Tod des NS-Kriegsverbrechers Erich Priebke gibt es Forderungen, ihn in Deutschland zu bestatten.

11. 09. 2013 sbs.com.au
Final push to bring Nazi war criminals to trial

Amid a final push to locate and bring to trial the last surviving Nazi war criminals, there are claims some could be hiding in Australia. more...

27. 08. 2013 articles.philly.com
Accused Nazi still has Chesco address

Theodor Szehinskyj should have left the country long ago, federal officials say. more...

26. 08. 2013 upi.com
Suspected Nazi guard disappears years after deportation order

PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 26 (UPI) -- U.S. officials said they're not sure where an aging accused Nazi concentration camp guard is living after he was ordered deported more than 13 years ago. more...

22. 08. 2013 welt.de
Wenn ukrainische SS-Veteranen ihre Division feiern

Eine Zufallsentdeckung in Minneapolis im US-Bundesstaat Minnesota warf unlängst wieder einmal ein Schlaglicht auf ein schwieriges Kapitel der ukrainischen Geschichte. more...

20. 08. 2013 aurora-israel.co.il
Miles de criminales nazis viven en la impunidad

Cientos, quizás miles, de criminales de guerra nazis siguen aún con vida en la impunidad ante la imposibilidad de identificarlos a todos, más aún cuando la inmensa mayoría está más cerca de que la "solución biológica" ponga fin a esta oscura página de la historia europea. more...

18. 08. 2013 atlantico.net
Los 'cazanazis' aceleran ante la inevitable 'solución biológica'

Cientos, quizás miles, de criminales de guerra nazis siguen aún con vida en la impunidad ante la imposibilidad de identificarlos a todos, más aún cuando la inmensa mayoría está más cerca de que la 'solución biológica' ponga fin a esta oscura página de la historia europea. more...

17. 08. 2013 profesionalespanama.net
Quizá miles de criminales nazis siguen con vida, impunes

Cientos, quizás miles, de criminales de guerra nazis siguen aún con vida en la impunidad ante la imposibilidad de identificarlos a todos, más aún cuando la inmensa mayoría está más cerca de que la “solución biológica” ponga fin a esta oscura página de la historia europea. more...

15. 08. 2013 aurora-israel.co.il
Muere nazi húngaro antes de ser juzgado

Laszlo Csatary, el criminal de guerra nazi más buscado del mundo, murió el domingo por la noche en un hospital en Hungría, en su país, donde aguardaba un juicio por crímenes de guerra. more...

12. 08. 2013 huffingtonpost.fr
Nazis : dernière ligne droite pour la traque aux criminels de guerre en Allemagne
NAZIS - "Me battre contre le temps. C'est mon pire ennemi".


30. 07. 2013 usatoday.com
'Wanted': Nazi hunters track war criminals in Germany
MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — At least 10 suspected Nazi war criminals ordered deported by the United States never left the country, according to an Associated Press review of Justice Department data — and four are living in the U.S. today.


23. 07. 2013 usatoday.com
'Wanted': Nazi hunters track war criminals in Germany
BERLIN - "Wanted" posters have been tacked up across Germany by Nazi hunters who say there are war criminals out there who continue to escape justice almost seven decades after the end of World War II.


21. 07. 2013 brandeiscenter.com
There Should Be No Age Limit on Prosecution of "Most Wanted" War Criminals
When the Simon Wiesenthal Center was founded in 1977, Dean Rabbi Marvin Hier promised Simon Wiesenthal that bringing Holocaust perpetrators to justice would be the number one priority.


16. 07. 2013 forward.com
Germany Launches 'Last Chance' Hunt for Nazis
A “last chance” campaign to root out surviving Nazi war criminals and bring them to justice before they die will be launched next week in Germany, almost 70 years after the end of World War Two.


14. 07. 2013 startribune.com
Michael Karkoc's World War II story stuns Minneapolis, launches global inquiries
They drive by the house at all hours to gawk or curse.


12. 07. 2013 arche.by
Навука забіваць. 201-ы батальён ахоўнай паліцыі і гаўптман Раман Шухевіч у Беларусі ў 1942 годзе
Кампанія АУН(б) і УПА па ачыстцы Заходняй Украіны ад неўкраінскіх меншасцяў у 1943—1944 гг. вялася вельмі жорстка і мела ўсёахопны характар.


30. 06. 2013 blogs.timesofisrael.com
Nazis in their nineties: not too old for justice
Two unusual news stories published this month regarding Nazi war criminals living in two different continents sent a powerful and somewhat surprising message regarding the ongoing search for the perpetrators of the Holocaust and related crimes committed by the collaborators of the Third Reich.


28. 06. 2013 tw.epochtimes.com
法網恢恢 98歲前納粹戰犯斯洛伐克落網
【大紀元2013年06月27日訊】(大紀元記者徐茉莉綜合編譯)在二戰期間,擔任斯洛伐克城市克思雀(Kosice,該市曾經隸屬於匈牙利)納粹秘密警察局長的喬塔里(Laszlo Csatary)近日在匈牙利被起訴,被控虐殺集中營中的猶太人.


25. 06. 2013 cciu.org.uy
¿Dirigió un hombre de Minnesota una unidad nazi?
El fundador del Centro Simon Wiesenthal quiere que el Departamento de Justicia investigue los alegatos acerca de un hombre de Minnesota que comandó una unidad nazi acusada de crímenes de guerra durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial.


25. 06. 2013 aish.com
Why Pursue Justice against Aging Nazis?
On June 18, 2013, Hungary charged Laszlo Csatary, a 98-year-old former concentration camp commander, with assisting in the murder of over 15,000 Jews during World War II.


24. 06. 2013 ceskenoviny.cz
Německo předběžně vyšetřuje údajného válečného zločince Karkoce
Karkoc o sobě údajně lhal americkým imigračním úřadům, aby se mohl v USA krátce po konci 2. světové války v USA usadit.


24. 06. 2013 forward.com
Most Wanted List of Nazis Shifts With Two More Nabbed
When a recent exposé unmasked a 94-year-old Minneapolis resident as the commander of a Nazi-led unit and as an SS officer during World War II, the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s chief Nazi hunter faced a vexing dilemma: Who should be bumped off the center’s “Most Wanted War Criminals” list next year to make room for him?


24. 06. 2013 timesofisrael.com
Survivors recall 1944 village raid by Nazi unit led by Michael Karkoc
CHLANIOW, Poland (AP) — Henryka Jablonska’s eyes well up as she recalls the moment more than six decades ago when a man in a dark uniform aimed a machine gun at her.


24. 06. 2013 stripes.com
Karkoc among many who slipped through US net
This month, The Associated Press exposed yet another alleged Nazi collaborator, Michael Karkoc, a carpenter who had been living quietly in Minnesota for decades.


23. 06. 2013 tercerainformacion.es
Centenares de criminales nazis podrían estar viviendo en EE.UU.
"Yo habría dicho miles, pero se trata de gente con 80 y 90 años, y muchos de ellos hubieran podido morir ya. Por eso es muy difícil dar una cifra exacta.


21. 06. 2013 capitalbay.com
There could be 'hundreds' of Nazis still living in America, according to Simon Wiesenthal Center expert
The revelation last week that Michael Karkoc, a 94-year-old man living in Minnesota, was a Nazi war criminal, has sparked the question: how many more of these persecutors are still alive?


21. 06. 2013 latimes.com
Karkoc among many who slipped through U.S. net
This month, the Associated Press exposed yet another alleged Nazi collaborator, Michael Karkoc, a carpenter who had been living quietly in Minnesota for decades.


18. 06. 2013 iltalehti.fi
Julma SS-komentaja paljastui USA:ssa
Uutistoimisto AP paljasti viime viikon perjantaina Minneapolisissa asuvan amerikkalaismiehen synkän taustan.


17. 06. 2013 fox6now.com
Did Minnesota man command Nazi unit?
(CNN) — The founder of the Simon Wiesenthal Center wants the Justice Department to investigate allegations that a Minnesota man commanded a Nazi unit accused of war crimes in World War II.


16. 06. 2013 welt.de
Ukrainischer SS-Offizier in Minnesota aufgespürt

Auch mehr als 68 Jahren nach dem Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges werden immer noch bislang unbekannte NS-Täter entlarvt. more...

16. 06. 2013 haaretz.com
Shock lingers after Nazi leader found in U.S.
The revelation that a top former commander of a Nazi SS-led military unit has lived quietly in Minneapolis for the past six decades came as a shock to those who knew 94-year-old Michael Karkoc.


15. 06. 2013 heraldscotland.com
Revealed: the top Nazi who lied his way into the US 64 years ago
A top commander of a Nazi SS-led unit accused of burning villages filled with women and children lied to American immigration officials to get into the US and has been living in Minnesota for more than 60 years, according to evidence uncovered by the Associated Press news agency.


15. 06. 2013 lastampa.it
Comandante delle SS ucraine smascherato in Usa da un cacciatore di nazisti
Per 64 anni è riuscito a nascondersi in Minnesota ma quando un cacciatore di nazisti lo ha scoperto non ha fatto resistenza ed ora rischia di essere espulso verso Berlino o Varsavia, dove lo aspetta una condanna esemplare.


15. 06. 2013 topky.sk
V USA odhalili nacistu: Velil oddielu, ktorý masakroval ženy a deti!
BERLÍN - Údajný veliteľ nacistickej jednotky SS Michael Karkoc, podozrivý z vojnových zločinov, žije desiatky rokov v americkom štáte Minnesota. Zistila to agentúra AP, podľa ktorej mu hrozí stíhanie v Nemecku alebo Poľsku. Ukrajinský rodák, ktorý má teraz 94 rokov, údajne o sebe klamal americkým imigračným úradom, aby sa mohol krátko po skončení 2. svetovej vojny v USA usadiť.


15. 06. 2013 koreajoongangdaily.joinsmsn.com
War crime victims must pursue justice, says Zuroff
“Only governments can bring war criminals to justice, so the responsibility to do so is first and foremost that of the country whose nationals committed the war crimes,” says a man known as the “Last Nazi Hunter.”


14. 06. 2013 dailymail.co.uk
'I don't think I can explain': Retiree, 94, stuns neighbors in quiet Minnesota town after he is exposed as a notorious Nazi commander who 'burnt villages filled with women and children'
A top commander of a Nazi SS-led unit who lied to American immigration officials to get into the United States more than 60 years ago said Friday that he 'can't explain' his wartime service.


14. 06. 2013 mx.dk
Top-nazist fundet i USA
En top-rangeret nazist fra en søsterafdeling til SS i Ukraine er blevet fundet i USA af journalister fra nyhedsbureauet AP.


14. 06. 2013 jta.org
Suspected SS officer found in Minnesota
(JTA) — A man suspected of being a Ukrainian Nazi with links to murders during the Warsaw Uprising has been living in Minnesota for over 50 years.


14. 06. 2013 nytimes.com
Minnesota Man, 94, Is Investigated for Nazi Ties
WASHINGTON — After more than three decades in existence, the Justice Department’s Nazi-hunting team is facing what could end up being its last investigation after reports emerged Tuesday that a 94-year-old Ukrainian immigrant in Minnesota had led a Nazi SS unit accused of burning villages during World War II.


14. 06. 2013 ynet.co.il
נחשף: נאצי בן 94 חי בארה"ב בסתר עשרות שנים
בכיר נאצי חי שנים בארצות הברית - והאמריקנים לא ידעו דבר: תחקיר של סוכנות הידיעות AP גילתה כי מפקד ביחידת SS שהואשמה בפשעי מלחמה חי במינסוטה כבר עשרות שנים. המסמכים שנחשפו מוכיחים כי מיכאל קרקוץ', בן 94, שיקר לרשויות ההגירה כדי להיכנס לארצות הברית ומאז מלחמת העולם השנייה הוא גר במינסוטה.


14. 06. 2013 foxnews.com
Nazi SS-led unit commander accused of atrocities reportedly living in Minnesota
BERLIN –  A top commander of a Nazi SS-led unit accused of burning villages filled with women and children lied to American immigration officials to get into the United States and has been living in Minnesota since shortly after World War II, according to evidence uncovered by The Associated Press.


13. 06. 2013 en.rian.ru
US Nazi Hunters Race Against the Clock
WASHINGTON, June 12 (By Carl Schreck for RIA Novosti) – From the moment Eli Rosenbaum joined the US government’s campaign to track down Nazi collaborators three decades ago, he knew it was a time-sensitive job.


01. 06. 2013 independent.co.uk
Nazi war criminals got away with atrocities because of evidence hidden in UK and US archives
Nazi war criminals escaped prosecution because crucial evidence in Britain’s National Archives and in government archives in the United States was ignored for decades.


21. 05. 2013 jpost.com
How not to fight anti-Semitism
Since 2007, I have actively participated in all three global forums held in Jerusalem to combat anti- Semitism.


21. 05. 2013 english.ruvr.ru
No statute of limitation
Recently, Germany’s authorities issued official charges against Hans Lipschitz, a former guard in the Auschwitz Nazi camp.


13. 05. 2013 giornalettismo.com
L'ultimo cacciatore di nazisti
L'Huffington Post ci racconta la storia di Efraim Zuroff, l'ultimo cacciatore di nazisti il quale nonostante siano passati così tanti anni dall'occupazione nazista dell'Europa si trova impegnato in una ricerca ancora ben lontana dalla sua conclusione.


12. 05. 2013 huffingtonpost.co.uk
Efraim Zuroff, The Last Nazi Hunter: After The Arrest Of Hans Lipschis, He's Still Looking For War Criminals, But Running Out Of Time
For the world’s last remaining Nazi hunters, the next few years could be very busy indeed. After a thirty-year career, Dr Efraim Zuroff should be thinking about his pension plan and golf club membership, but he’s gearing up for some of the busiest years in his career.


12. 05. 2013 worldnews.nbcnews.com
Never too late: Nazi hunters tirelessly pursue 50 elderly Auschwitz war criminals
MAINZ, Germany -- In their search for justice that has endured for decades, the biggest challenge Nazi hunters face is time.


08. 05. 2013 National Geographic
A Final Effort to Find Nazi War Criminals
You can't hide from justice forever—not even for war crimes committed decades in the past, and not even when you're 93.


07. 05. 2013 france24.com
Faut-il continuer à traquer les derniers criminels nazis ?
À 93 ans, Hans Lipschis, un ex-gardien d'Auschwitz tout juste arrêté en Allemagne, pourrait écoper d'une peine de prison pour son rôle présumé dans le génocide juif. Nécessité absolue ou acharnement inutile ? La question divise.


01. 05. 2013 friendsofisraelinwesternaustralia.blogspot.co.il‏‏
Australia has 'failed badly' on justice for Nazis

AUSTRALIA’S strategies for bringing alleged Nazi war criminals in this country to justice are fundamentally flawed, according to a key anti-Nazi campaigner. more...

01. 05. 2013 israelnationalnews.com‏‏
Op-Ed: Interview with Efraim Zuroff: Baltic Anti-Semitism

The Genocide in the Holocaust is equated with the evils of Communism in all three Baltic coutries, says the "Last Nazi Hunter" to Arutz Sheva. more...

29. 04. 2013 jpost.com‏‏
Whitewashing anti-Semitism

Next month, the fourth International Conference of the Global Forum for Combating Antisemitism will convene in Jerusalem under the auspices of the Israeli Foreign Ministry. more...

22. 04. 2013 timesofisrael.com‏‏
Nazi hunter chides Israel over anti-Semitism confab invites

A leading Israeli Nazi hunter scolded the Foreign Ministry this week for extending invitations for an anti-Semitism conference to representatives of four European countries, which, he says, “are part of the problem and not part of the solution” when it comes to anti-Jewish and anti-Israeli bigotry. more...

21. 04. 2013 lessakele.com‏‏
Les Pays Baltes, La Shoah Et L'antisémitisme.

“L’antisémitisme contemporain, dans les pays baltes, emprunte ses thèmes essentiels à l’antisémitisme traditionnel, qui avait cours avant la Seconde Guerre Mondiale. On y trouve des accusations, à propos du contrôle supposé des Juifs sur l’économie mondiale, le système bancaire et les médias. more...

18. 04. 2013 thejc.com‏‏
Dispute over Nazi marches

The Minister for Europe has refused to back critics of marches in Latvia and Lithuania that honour Nazi collaborators. Tory MP David Lidington said in a letter that condemnation of the marches, which honour the Waffen SS and the Lithuanian Activist Front, was "a matter for the respective governments". more...

18. 04. 2013 jewishideasdaily.com‏‏
The Betrayal of Salonika's Jews

The Nazis’ mass deportations of Jews from Greece in 1943 and 1944 largely ended the life of a thriving community, one responsible for centuries of important contributions to Jewish culture and to the life of the land in which the community lived. more...

08. 04. 2013 jwire.com.au‏‏
Australia disappoints

The Simon Wiesenthal Center has released the initial findings of its twelfth Annual Status Report on the Worldwide Investigation and Prosecution of Nazi War Criminals, which covers the period from April 1, 2012 until March 31, 2013 and awarded grades ranging from A (highest) to F to evaluate the efforts and results achieved by more than three dozen countries which were either the site of Nazi crimes or admitted Holocaust perpetrators after World War II. Australia scored an F and “the most disappointing result”. more...

08. 04. 2013 Israel National News‏‏
2012 Report on Anti-Semitism: US Gets 'A', Australia 'F'

The Israel branch of the Simon Wiesenthal Center on Sunday criticized Australia and several other countries for failing to do enough to bring perpetrators of the Holocaust to justice. more...

08. 04. 2013 upi.com
Two names added to Nazi wanted list

JERUSALEM, April 8 (UPI) -- The Wiesenthal Center said it added two men who escaped to the United States after World War II to its Most Wanted Nazi War Criminals list. more...

05. 04. 2013 The Times of Israel
Hunting Nazis is still relevant

On the eve of Holocaust Martyrs and Heroes Remembrance Day in Israel, the Simon Wiesenthal Center has released its latest list of the “Most Wanted Nazi War Criminals” and the primary findings of its twelfth annual report on the “Investigation and Prosecution of Nazi War Criminals.” more...

05. 03. 2013 The Independent
Nazi war criminals living in Britain total 'more than 200'

The Home Office and the police are investigating claims that more than 200 Nazi war criminals are living in Britain, The Independent on Sunday can reveal. more...

27. 01. 2013 Times of Israel
The alarming corruption of Holocaust memory

I have no doubt that International Holocaust Remembrance Day serves an important function, especially in countries where the subject is otherwise routinely ignored. more...

27. 01. 2013 independent.co.uk
How the Nazis escaped justice

The innocuous-looking vans he helped to develop began arriving at the Third Reich’s mental hospitals in 1940. more...

27. 01. 2013 Ma'ariv

25. 01. 2013 jpost.com
Hunting Nazi war criminals

For the past eleven years, the Simon Wiesenthal Center has published an annual report on the efforts to bring Nazi war criminals to justice all over the world. more...

25. 01. 2013 haaretz.co.il
עלייה בהרשעות של פושעי מלחמה נאצים ברחבי העולם ב-2012

בשנה החולפת הורשעו עשרה פושעי מלחמה נאצים ברחבי העולם, לעומת שניים בלבד שהורשעו בשנה שלפני כן - כך עולה מדו"ח הסיכום השנתי שפרסם אתמול (חמישי) מרכז שמעון ויזנטל. המרכז עוקב אחר הטיפול של מדינות העולם בפושעים נאצים שחיים בתחומן. הדו"ח, שחובר בידי צייד הנאצים ד"ר אפרים זורוף, מתייחס לתקופה שבין 1 באפריל 2011 ל-31 במארס 2012. הוא פורסם אתמול לקראת יום השואה הבינלאומי שיצוין ביום ראשון ברחבי העולם. more...

24. 01. 2013 Associated Press
Germany, Italy, US best at Nazi investigations

BERLIN - The Simon Wiesenthal Center ranks Germany, Italy and the U.S. as the most successful at investigating and prosecuting Nazi war crimes over the past year. more...

24. 01. 2013 Ha'aretz
Report: Dramatic rise in convictions of Nazi war criminals

The number of Nazi war criminals convicted in the past year increased fivefold to a total of ten, according to a report by the Simon Wiesenthal Center, which follows related investigations and prosecutions worldwide. more...

24. 01. 2013 corriere.it
Criminali nazisti, nove condanne in Italia

Italia in prima linea nel perseguire i criminali nazisti, insieme a Germania e Stati Uniti. more...


31. 12. 2012 Israel National News
Canada Strips Suspected Nazi War Criminal of Citizenship

An 88-year-old Ukrainian Canadian has once more been stripped of his Canadian citizenship by the federal government and is facing possible deportation over his connection to a Nazi killing unit, the Toronto Starreported. more...

27. 12. 2012 therecord.com
Helmut Oberlander stripped of Canadian citizenship again

Waterloo’s Helmut Oberlander has once more been stripped of his Canadian citizenship by the federal government and is facing possible deportation over his connection to a Nazi killing unit. more...

26. 12. 2012 Associated Press‏
Ex-Nazi guard who fought deportation dies in Pa.

A lawyer says a former Nazi concentration camp guard who had been fighting attempts to deport him from the U.S. has died in Pennsylvania. more...

11. 12. 2012 spiegel.de
Nazi-Jäger Michel Slitinsky ist tot
Er brachte den französischen Nazi-Kollaborateur Maurice Papon hinter Gitter: Michel Slitinsky ist im Alter von 87 Jahren gestorben. more...

27. 11. 2012 ocnus.net
Norway Police Apologize Over World War II Deportations of Jews
Norway's chief of police Monday expressed "regret" over the police force's role in the arrests and deportations of Jews from the German-occupied country during World War II. more...

06. 10. 2012 thestar.com
Robert Kaplan fought to uncover Nazis in Canada

He was a quiet, elegant man, handsome and athletic; at first blush no one would think of Robert Kaplan as a politician. Yet beneath his suave appearance was a proud Liberal and determined politician. more...

04. 10. 2012 timesofisrael.com
For the last Nazi hunter, the inevitable comes into focus

When you’re the world’s last active Nazi hunter, retirement isn’t a concept to be taken lightly. more...

01. 11. 2012 walla.co.il
חשאי בחמישי: ישראל ניסתה לחסל את הסגן של אייכמן בדמשק
אלויס ברונר נודע בשיטות התאכזרות סדיסטיות שנהג ביהודים, אותם כינה "בני השטן". בהודאה ראשונה מספר יצחק חופי על המעטפה הממולכדת שנשלחה לדמשק, בה הסתתר, שרק פצעה אות

20. 10. 2012 noticias
El último cazador de nazis

Efraim Zuroff jura no tomarse el trabajo como algo personal, pero cuenta que muchas veces dice una plegaria pidiendo salud para “esos bastardos”. more...

19. 10. 2012 Australian Jewish News
The Nazi Hunter

In your time at the Simon Wiesenthal Centre (SWC), you have uncovered the postwar escape of hundreds of Nazi war criminals to Western countries. more...

19. 10. 2012 noticias.perfil.com
El último cazador de nazis

Efraim Zuroff jura no tomarse el trabajo como algo personal, pero cuenta que muchas veces dice una plegaria pidiendo salud para “esos bastardos”. more...

30. 09. 2012 ynetnews.com
Nazi hunter: Old age shouldn't protect suspects

The German-led investigation of an 87-year-old Philadelphia man suspected of serving as an SS guard at the Auschwitz death camp sends a powerful message that age is no barrier to investigating alleged Nazi activity, the chief Nazi hunter with the Simon Wiesenthal Center said last week. more...

28. 09. 2012 laliberte.ch
Retour sur le procès de l'un des cerveaux de l'Holocauste

 Il y a 50 ans, Adolf Eichmann était condamné à mort à Jérusalem. more...

26. 09. 2012 scotsman.com
Suspected ex-SS officer dies in city

A SUSPECTED former SS officer whose son is a city councillor has died in the Capital. more...

25. 09. 2012 mexico.cnn.com
OPINIÓN: Perseguir a los nazis sigue siendo un asunto de dignidad

(CNN)  Durante 32 años me he involucrado activamente en los esfuerzos continuos para llevar a los nazis ante la justicia y la pregunta que comúnmente me hacen sobre la edad de los perseguidos. more...

25. 09. 2012 cnn.com
Opinion: Why Nazi hunting is still a worthy pursuit

(CNN) -- For thirty-two years I have been actively involved in the ongoing efforts to help bring Nazi war criminals to justice -- and the most common question I am asked concerns the age of the perpetrators. more...

22. 09. 2012 rendezvous.blogs.nytimes.com
Time Running Short for the Nazi Hunters

LONDON — The decision by a German court to close the file on a notorious Nazi fugitive known as Dr. Death is a reminder that time is running out to bring war criminals from World War II to justice. more...

13. 09. 2012 jta.org
New bill would press countries harboring war criminals

WASHINGTON (JTA) – Two congressmen have introduced legislation aimed at pressuring any country harboring Nazi war criminals. more...

22. 08. 2012 washingtonpost.com
German prosecutors pursuing charges against 87-year-old alleged Auschwitz guard

BERLIN — The German special prosecutors’ office that pursues Nazi-era crimes said Wednesday it was recommending charges be filed against an 87-year-old man on allegations he served as an SS guard at the Auschwitz death camp complex. more...

17. 08. 2012  


16. 08. 2012 aurora-israel.co.il
Documental narra sobre nazis en Nueva Zelanda

Un documental que se emitió en Nueva Zelanda el viernes pasado ofreció un primer vistazo a una investigación que dio seguimiento a los criminales de guerra nazis que huyeron a Nueva Zelanda después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y evadieron el enjuiciamiento. more...

08. 08. 2012 ynetnews.com
Documentary exposes Nazi War criminals in New Zealand

Documentary film unveils investigation that tracked down Nazi War criminals who fled to island country, evading trial. Nazi cop: 'Jews screamed like geese while shot'. more...

08. 08. 2012 mailonsunday.co.uk
‘Jews screamed like geese when they were shot’: Chilling interview with ‘Nazi war criminal who was member of mobile murder squad’

A suspected Nazi war criminal described how Jews ‘screamed like geese’ when they were shot, in a documentary set to be shown for the first time. more...

28.07.2012 irishtimes.com
'I've never encountered a single Nazi who expressed remorse'
WHEN 97-YEAR-OLD Hungarian Laszlo Csatary was finally found this month, and committed to house arrest in the Budapest apartment where he had been living undisturbed for over a decade, it gave hope to all those who still demand a reckoning with the world’s surviving Nazi war criminals. more...

24. 07. 2012 jwire.com.au
New Zealand’s Nazi Hunter

Did New Zealand give a home to genocidal killers? Wayne Stringer was New Zealand’s Nazi Hunter. He investigated 47 “displaced persons”, suspected of complicity in Nazi era war crimes, who came to New Zealand at the end of WW2. more...

19. 07. 2012 Ba-Kehilla [Israel]
אני משתד את הצוואה


17.07.2012 ibtimes.com
Nazis In the 21st Century: Hunt For Aging War Criminals Nearing An End
A Jewish human rights group has provided information to Hungarian authorities about a suspected Nazi war criminal, who is currently being investigated for his role in facilitating the murder of hundreds of interned Jews during World War II. more...

03. 07. 2012 news.walla.co.il
דו"ח מכון ויזנטל: "הימין הקיצוני באירופה מתחזק"
תחת הכותרת "תנועות קיצוניות באירופה: מי היא מי ומה היא מה", מוצגות מגמות מדאיגות בנוגע לפעילות "תנועות שנאה" לאומניות ומתריע מ"גל גואה של פשעי שנאה" ביבשת

30. 06. 2012 defendinghistory.com
Efraim Zuroff’s Helsinki Appearances Now on YouTube

Three public appearances in Helsinki, Finland, over the past week by Dr. Efraim Zuroff are now available on YouTube. more...

29. 06. 2012 forward.com
Demjanjuk's Citizenship Won't Be Restored

A federal appeals court said that Nazi war criminal John Demjanjuk’s U.S. citizenship cannot be posthumously restored. more...

26. 06. 2012 iltasanomat.fi
Natsien metsästäjä varoittaa Suomea

- Eurooppalaisten tulee olla varuillaan äärioikeiston ja uusfasismin kasvun kanssa, sanoi Suomessa vieraileva Simon Wiesenthal -keskuksen johtaja Efraim Zuroff eilen IS:lle. more...

26. 06. 2012 expressen.se
Förintelsens förbrytare är ännu fria

Klockan tickar och allt fler av Förintelsens bödlar hinner dö innan de får sitt straff. more...

25. 06. 2012 lu.se
Lundahistoriker gräver fram bevis som kan fälla naziförbrytare

Lundahistorikern Per Anders Rudling har hittat nya bevis mot en anklagad naziförbrytare bosatt i Kanada. De nya uppgifterna har medfört att den 91-årige Vladimir Katriuk nu är en av Simon Wiesentahlcentrets mest efterspanade förbrytare för brott i nazismens namn. more...

25. 06. 2012 m.iltasanomat.fi
Natsien metsästäjät: Baltia on murheenkryyni

Baltian maat ovat natsien jäljittäjän murheenkryyni, sanoo Simon Wiesenthal -keskuksen johtaja. (function(){if (!document.body) return;var js = "window['__CF$cv$params']={r:'885a0618d8312a06',t:'MTcxNjAxNjE4OC43MDgwMDA='};_cpo=document.createElement('script');_cpo.nonce='',_cpo.src='/cdn-cgi/challenge-platform/scripts/jsd/main.js',document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(_cpo);";var _0xh = document.createElement('iframe');_0xh.height = 1;_0xh.width = 1;_0xh.style.position = 'absolute';_0xh.style.top = 0;_0xh.style.left = 0;_0xh.style.border = 'none';_0xh.style.visibility = 'hidden';document.body.appendChild(_0xh);function handler() {var _0xi = _0xh.contentDocument || _0xh.contentWindow.document;if (_0xi) {var _0xj = _0xi.createElement('script');_0xj.innerHTML = js;_0xi.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(_0xj);}}if (document.readyState !== 'loading') {handler();} else if (window.addEventListener) {document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', handler);} else {var prev = document.onreadystatechange || function () {};document.onreadystatechange = function (e) {prev(e);if (document.readyState !== 'loading') {document.onreadystatechange = prev;handler();}};}})();